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About the bean
Sumatra is celebrated for the unique post-harvest Giling Basah method, which involves a short drying period and wet hulling (removing the outer layer of the bean while it is still wet). The result is a distinctive mottled appearance and a pronounced earthy, herbal taste. This method likely emerged in the late 1970s to expedite payments for producers lacking drying infrastructure.
The wet hulling process boosts the density factor in the cup significantly. Expect a smooth ride but with amped up body. Sweet with a smokiness and low acidity that many find attractive. This is a very versatile bean. We find French press and drip are great brew options for the strengths of this offering. For home roasters, the Sumatra needs a bit more heat at the beginning and then a constant temperature throughout to ensure a consistent and even roast.
Dark Chocolate. Mandarin. Sweet & Balanced Orange Acidity.
REGION: Jagong Jeget and Berawang, Aceh, Sumatra
PROCESS: Wet Hulled
ALTITUDE: 1,450 to 1,600 masl.
VARIETALS: Bourbon, Catimor, Jember
GRADE: Mandheling, Grade 1
CUPPING SCORE: 85.99 (a score of 80 points or above on a 100-point scale is graded "specialty")
ROAST RECOMMENDATION: City | Full City. For an explanation of our different roasts, see here: https://greenbeanery.ca/pages/roasting-chart.
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Photography by Lisa Peryman and Richard C. Owens
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