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About the bean
Even though nearly 75% of Brazil's coffee farms are considered small farm plantations (less than 10 acres each), Brazil has one of the coffee industry's best, most advanced coffee processing systems. It's no wonder Brazil is the world's leading coffee producer.
Brazilian Santos gourmet coffee beans are processed using a natural dry method, which dries the coffee bean inside the cherry. This process ensures some of the fruit's sweetness remains.
Santos is the port much of Brazil's coffee passes through, it is not a coffee region.
Strictly Soft (SS-top grade): Grown at a lower altitude, this bean is less acidic than denser beans. The medium-toned brightness it does possess is somewhat reminiscent of tobacco/spice at first taste, but caramel is the longer note. This is a sweet bean and makes a good base for espresso.
Species: Coffea Arabica
Processing: Dry-Processed
Grade: Estate
Appearance: 17-18 Screen
Acidity: Mild
Body: Medium
Complexity: No
Balance: Yes
Flavour: Good for espresso (lots of crema and body)
Roast recommendation: City to Full City (soft bean, will roast quickly)
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Photography by Lisa Peryman and Richard C. Owens
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