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About the bean
Robusta coffee from India is notable for several reasons. The production of Robusta in India is almost double that of Arabica, and while Robusta is generally considered the poor relation of the former, in India the same care applied to the cultivation, harvest and processing of Arabica coffee is applied to Robusta. Both natural/dry-processed Robusta and Arabica coffees in India are known as Cherry (not to be confused with the cherry fruit on the coffee tree!). Cherry AA indicates the highest grade of these particular beans.
These beans are perfect for creating your own espresso blend or for coffee enthusiasts looking for a strong joe but one that is easy to digest (low in acidity). Did we say the price point is terrific? It is. Need some extra jam to get through the day (and night)? The caffeine in Robusta is double that of Arabica and that means double the antioxidant, health benefits of caffeine goodness as well. Robusta is the Hercules of coffee, and at full strength, it might even grow your hair!
Our taste test: We went for a Full City roast profile brewed in a French press and the result was kapow! This is an intense bean with a heavy body, almost zero acidity, a woodsy smoke flavour with a lingering burnt chocolate (caramel) aftertaste. It was everything we expected from a Robusta. We did try a light roast but that was a waste. Dark is where this bean shines.
Roast Recommendation: Definitely dark - medium-dark to dark to darker still. For an explanation of our different roasts, see here:
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Photography by Lisa Peryman and Richard C. Owens
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