Roasted - Sumatra Mandheling GR1

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About the bean

Established in 2015, the Gayo Lauser Antara Cooperative is dedicated to championing high-quality coffee from producer families. The organic and Fair Trade certified cooperative now represents 466 members cultivating approx. 1-5 hectares of land. 

The cooperative's members cover the Jagong Jeget and Berawang highlands of Aceh, an area that attracted a number of families to relocate here in 1982 as part of a national transmigration program to improve rural economic conditions. The region, once unoccupied, is now rich with fertile, volcanic soil and abundant agriculture. Due to the small size of farms, most labour is performed by family members.

Our taste test as a drip and machine filtered brew at a Full City roast profile proffered a very flavorful cup. This Sumatra is more sweet than average but the famed regional earthiness carries through. We would recommend this week's featured coffee as a strong, low-acid pick for espresso, as well as drip and plunge-press. We really appreciated the smoky sweetness, and dense overall pleasantness of the profile.


REGION: Jagong Jeget and Berawang, Aceh, Sumatra
PROCESS: Wet Hulled
ALTITUDE: 1,450 to 1,600 masl.
VARIETALS: Bourbon, Catimor, Jember
GRADE: Mandheling, Grade 1

ROAST RECOMMENDATION: Full City. For an explanation of our different roasts, see here: