Cirrhosis is a complication of liver damage which involves the loss of liver cells and irreversible scarring of the liver. Alcohol and viral Hepatitis B and C are common causes, although there are many others. Symptoms of cirrhosis include weakness, loss of appetite, easy bruising, jaundice, itching and fatigue.1
Impact of coffee on cirrhosis
Dr Oliver Kennedy, a researcher from Southampton University lead a research team who analyzed the data from 9 studies on coffee’s effect on alcohol consumption. The studies included 430,000 participants. Of these, 1,990 were diagnosed with cirrhosis. 8 out of 9 studies found that increasing coffee consumption reduced the risk of developing cirrhosis. Compared to non-coffee drinkers, it was found that drinking 1 cup of coffee per day reduced the risk of cirrhosis by 22%, 2 cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of cirrhosis by 43%, 3 cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of cirrhosis by 57%, and finally, 4 cups of coffee per day reduced the risk of cirrhosis by 65%. Participants who drank filtered coffee had greater protective benefits than those who drank boiled coffee.2
1 MedicineNet - Cirrhosis of the Liver: Cirrhosis Signs and Stages.
2 Medical Daily - Drinking Coffee May Protect The Liver From Cirrhosis
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