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About the bean
This classic brew pivots on body and flavour. The Cerrado is consistent and flexes to all of our coffee whims - espresso, specialty options, cold brew and blends.
Chocolatey sweet, nutty and priced to please.
This coffee is an SS/FC grade:
FC (Fine Cup): Indicates specialty grade coffee.
SS (Strictly Soft): Grown at relatively low altitudes.
Taste Test
We sampled the Cerrado as a City and City+ roast brewed in a Hario V60 pour over (for the City) and a French press (for the City+). The City roast gave us a sweet and strong, syrupy body anchored in chocolate. Softly acidic.
At a Full City+ we enjoyed a more mellow cup, which is surprising for a darker roast profile. A pronounced sweetness remained, we gained more body and the coffee's nuttier side emerged. Overall, the flavour here is stronger.
We also put the Full City+ to work as a latte. The Cerrado's character performed to good effect: nicely uniform and tasty.
Roast recommendation: City to Full City (soft bean, will roast quickly). For an explanation of our different roasts, see here:
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Photography by Lisa Peryman and Richard C. Owens
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