Unroasted - Papua New Guinea Plantation AA (Coffee of the Week)


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About the bean

The Papua New Guinea flavour profile is as bold as the landscape itself. The Eastern Highlands, where our new lot of PNG is from, serves as a contrast to the better known Western Highlands. Here in the east, primarily small-holder farming communities rely on coffee as their sole cash crop. Exciting advancements in pulping, post-harvest processes, and drying equipment are helping growers to create exceptional offerings. Farming practices tend to be organic by default due to the high costs and logistical challenges of using chemicals, synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides (which are practically unheard of). Independent laboratories in Australia and Europe report no trace elements of chemicals or pollutants. Coffee from the Eastern Highlands proffers naturally low levels of caffeine and acidity. 

Over time we've observed that beans attractive to the eye and nose more often than not translate into great-tasting coffee, and that's certainly the case here. The bean's moisture and density is consistently even from inside to out. Expect a medium body and acidity—not too much, just right—and a pick that suits every brew method (that we've tried). Based on our experiments, we recommend a medium roast for more flavour and a more gentle acidity.


REGION: Eastern Highlands
DRYING: Sun-dried
ALTITUDE: 1,800 - 2,100 masl.
VARIETAL: Red Bourbon, Typica


PNG’s unique grading system includes X and AX bean sizes. AX indicates that this lot features beans with screen sizes 14 to 17 (ranging in size between 5.5 and 6.75 millimeters).

RECOMMENDED ROAST: Flexible. We liked a darker roast. A very even roast thanks to the calibre of these beans (well picked, few defects, size uniformity).